[-empyre-] thoughts on the gallery space

Melinda said somewhere:

'3d art that is made within the paramenters and soft/hardware restrictions ,
and designed to be seen in the networked environment,  takes on a new
context and arua perhaps in a gallery because it commands big space for
video projection.. therefore floorspace = artistic significance and value in
the real estate/funding criteria of gallery/museum syetem.

how do you get networked works, into your gallery if they are not large
scale installations.
which of course leads on to what the future of payments to 3d onlien artists
if the work isnt showing in a  gallery or musem space? does this mean to be
paid artist must fit into existing gallery criteris that is designed to show
painting and sculpure..'

During the web3d project Folly has been able to support the event by having
a computer terminal point for visitors to access the works online ? I saw
similar set ups at Cornerhouse, Manchester and Media Centre, Huddersfield.

This was simply online access to works that could otherwise be accessed from
any other environment, school, library, workplace, home etc.

This is not peculiar to 3D rather online works in general.

So what can this achieve:

1)	It legitimises the work in an arts context with reference to other works
both in the space and over a period of time
2)	It ensures that access to the work is generally a good experience, with
say supporting information, possibly technical support, talks /
presentations / workshops surrounding the works to give an extended
3)	It broadens the gallery visitors appreciation of what a work of art can
be, who otherwise may not think of looking at online projects.
4)	Dialogue between viewers experiencing the work extends, knowledge /
appreciation / level of enjoyment.
5)	It may inspire future development.
6)	It raises the potential for other finance / sponsorship to be obtained.
7)	And artistically a different frame of reference is obtained for the work,
maybe by a change of scale or user interface etc. Tamiko?s piece is
cinematic in style already, but I had not seen it at this scale until at the

This last one may be the bit that excites us here, and where the 3D element
becomes important again. I was familiar with nearly all the works shown in
Lab3D at the Cornerhouse, but enjoyed them all the more for their
environmental presentation.

The recent performance by Adam Nash was hosted at Folly, bringing multi user
works into the gallery space with different viewpoints into a virtual space
(using more than one user logged in) brought home the 3D non linear multi
user experience to many who had previously not really understood it.

A similar effect was achieved at the Media Centre with a multi screen
version of Q4U by Feng Mengbo.

This thought pattern follows to aesthetics.


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